Hot Dees: The Top Pictures of Dora Dee Elizabeth Rogers that are Actually Just Art
It’s proposal season, a time for planning elaborate schemes and then realizing that the logistics of them are untenable. Globally most proposal content doesn’t focus on Dora Dee Elizabeth, which is a real shame. As we all know, the principal objective of proposals isn’t to get married; it’s to make your cute bottomy girlfriend blush as much as possible, while still getting her to agree to spend her life with you . It was Alysha Jeney who laid down this ironclad principle in the Wikihow article “How to Make a Girl Blush”
My proposals historically have not gone well, but this time I intend to succeed in this key metric. In the interest of sharing the wealth, here’s my top ten cute pictures of Dora Dee Elizabeth Rogers and why they are special.
What are my criteria for this list? It’s basically, “how badly did I just *have* to pull out a camera to candidly capture Dee’s beauty at that moment” Keep in mind: that’s different from a “hottest Dees” list, although there’s a lot of overlap. The topless photo I take of her every year on her birthday is clearly a very striking photo portraying Dee, and I had it high up on this list during early versions, but the more I thought about it the more I felt that they were not candid enough for the type of magic I was trying to catch.
So let's jump right into it…
10. Ok, so starting off: no this is not a candid photo. This one is low on the list mostly for that reason and also because the photo itself is not that spectacular ( Dee is a gorgeous woman, and the pixelated background does not do her justice), but it remained on the list because of what it represents. There is nothing more attractive than a partner who will, even when you are having a little fight, drop what she is doing and get into business casual attire to take a photo pretending to play one of your games for an application you have due later that day.
9. Another attractive feature in a future partner: the willingness to combine our passions into something we can both enjoy. Dora Dee Elizabeth Rogers is a Pride and Prejudice kind of bitch through and through. I (appauling I’m sure to many librarian gays) am not. My passion, however, is group costumes. As evidenced by this lovely P&P inspired couples costumes, we’ve always found ways to make sure that we can both get excited about things we do together.
8. This one is simple: Dee is the most adoring, loving, and attentive cat mom. I have never seen a living creature as devoted to someone as Bidou is to Dee. Watching him absolutely adore her reminds me of how much I also adore her.
7. There are photos that are art because they have emotional significance, and sometimes there are photos that are art because they just look. Good. This is one of the latter photos. Sometimes when we’re out the light catches Dee’s hair in a certain way and she looks like an angel.
6. Continuing with aesthetic art: spring and summer with Dee are always fun because I get to see all the different outfits she wears. This was the day we went to a street art fair and then picnicked in a park because I was anxious about having a cleaning person in our house for the first time.
5. Good lighting + themed motel + bottom face =. pure art
4. This picture is special because it is a rare winter picture. We do a lot of travel and time together during the summer, but it’s hard sometimes to find the time during the winter. This weekend we rented a winter cottage nearby and drank tea, did puzzles, went hot tubbing. And once again, glancing over at my girlfriend I was overcome with the urger to snap a (slightly risqué photo)
3. There is something magical about watching Dee explore with wonder. It was hard to pic exactly which photo to use for this, and there are ones that frame her more directly, but this one of her exploring candidly captures the real beauty of her curiosity.
2. This is one of the first pictures I took of Dee, and one of the first times I was overtaken with the urge to photograph my gorgeous girlfriend (and then share it with the whole world!)
Ok we all knew this was going to be number one. It is a work of art. It has inspired numerous people to tell Dee that they wanted to take up oil painting to be able to capture the image more perfectly. That is the power of Dee’s quiet beauty. Sweet and feminine in a comfortable, naturey way. Only I know the truth: that she is glowing because it was a million degrees and that look of relief is a gentle breeze on her face. Whatever the reason, this is how I always picture my beautiful fiancee.