Seven Minutes in Heaven
a projector game by Drotleyes
Seven Minutes in Heaven: a co-op projector platformer
You and your love have just 7 minutes in heaven together – but heaven is full of invisible walls, and just one of you has the maps. As the Rorschach rooms are held up to the projections, examine them carefully: they will reveal to you the fate of your short-lived romantic rendezvous. If you can work through your arguments and fumble awkwardly together through the messy halls of heaven, you just might enjoy the pleasures of a few last seconds in each other’s company.
Love takes a lot of thought, conversation, and platforming—no one said it would be easy.
Coming Soon: Seven Minutes in Hell: where we introduce shadow puppets.

A team of three game designers, friends, and avid admirers of Yu-Gi-Oh! character design.